Blog Posts
Get insider tips and trick on current trends in health and fitness to improve your posture, strength and stamina.

Do you know that rest and ice are no longer advised for injuries?
RICE is out – PEACE & LOVE are in! In the case that you do have acute tissue damage (eg. stretched the ligaments at the outside of your ankle to the point of a small tear – i.e. an ankle sprain), RICE-ing it is no longer the recommendation. Instead, evidence indicates

Neck Stretches Don’t Fix Neck Pain
Stretching the neck may provide temporary relief, but it is not a long-term solution for reducing pain or increasing mobility. It is important to address the root cause of the issue, rather than simply treating the symptoms. The weight of the arms should naturally decompress the upper body, so if

Mobility of the Spine
As you lose control and range of motion in segments of the spine (especially turning the ribcage), the rest of the spine starts to lock up as well, then you get the majority of your motion from the hypermobile segments. When people come to class to stretch the back, they

…. is a deep muscle that sits close to the spine and runs vertically in small segments of approximately 2-3 vertebrae from the back of the pelvis to the base of the skull. It provides segmental stability of individual joints and protects the spine in rotational activities. Because of its

Back pain has easy solutions but requires you to re-discover yourself.
Stuart McGill is the Back Guru of Canada. He is a compassionate researcher who also works with patients, not just study them. What I admire most about him is the ability to teach people, patiently and simply, the basics of back care. Almost everyone will experience debilitating back pain at

Benefits of Fitness at Any Age
Learning to move well, with meaning, is vital to aging well and fitness. I (Justina Bailey) was invited to speak with Teresa Ostman of Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® on the radio show Wellness Wednesday (CHLY 101.7 FM on Vancouver Island), to discuss some tips and thoughts on what people can

The Hip Socket Knows All
The hip socket knows when you get new glasses, when you had a tooth removed, and when you don’t sense gravity well. The pelvic bones have a huge influence on how we walk, and how AND sense our body in space. Many of you have heard of proprioception but do

Organs Influence the Way You Move
Did you know that the location of your organs can impact they way you exercise and move? Most people are very surprised at how much their inside organs influence the way you move. Pilates, or any exercise routine, can be a great way to transform your body, if you can

Air Flow Dysfunction = Pelvic Dysfunction
If you CAN NOT get air into the back of your lungs, you CAN NOT get into a posterior pelvic tilt. Air and pressure should flow and mobilize the back of lungs and back of the pelvis. When you are unable to do this or sense this, it becomes a

Pelvic Tilt vs Spinal Flexion
Many well-intentioned individuals believe they are doing a posterior pelvic tilt, but they are not engaging any of the muscles needed to do so and instead are flexing the spine erroneously, creating wear and tear on the disks. First, we do this on the floor because the joints are looser

Move The Stuff Inside of You
The quiet time over the past year has allowed me to visit specialists who help me attain the same goals I want for my clients and students: to get stronger from the inside out to prevent injury. But we really DO have to acquire a better sense of who we